Just a reminder that you can follow Inside Minnesota Soccer many ways. As posted last weekend I am now Twittering. Just click on the Twitter symbol to the right. If you’re not signed up for Twitter go ahead and do so. Then you may want to take a look at some of the people I’m following. In the last month or so there seems to be a big movement for those of us with soccer web sites and blogs, to share on Twitter many of the things we’re reading throughout the day concerning soccer. These are articles that we may not be posting about, but are of interest to many.
Also, if you ever noticed that funny little symbol at the bottom of each of my posts that says, ‘Share This’, that’s exactly what it’s all about. Have you read a post you want to share with a friend? Go to “Share This” and there’s a tab for emailing the link to the post.
Do you want to create a tweet about a post? There’s a spot for that as well. So is Facebook, Linkedin and most of the other social networking sites. Dig? Yup, that’s there as well.
Also, don’t forget the RSS and email options in the upper right hand corner of the blog. You can get an email sent to your inbox every day with the latest IMS posts or add an RSS feed to your favorite reader.